
HERA Events Toolkit:

View and download the toolkit: This toolkit is designed to support the promotion and coordination of recruiting events across HERA member schools. The guide and the video will show you step by step how career centers can invite HERA member schools to their events. We know our students and employers will benefit from this broad collaboration of schools across the region with opportunities to build the talent pipeline.


  2. View Video Demo:

  3. Share the Top 10 Best Practices for Recruiting:

HERA One-Pager:

Timothy M. Renick: Using Data and Analytics to Eliminate Equity Gaps (February 13, 2020)

Timothy M. Renick presents on using data and analytics to eliminate equity gaps. The presentation was part of the Higher Education Regional Alliance (HERA) winter summit which took place at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee on Feb. 13, 2020.